The mission of the Homewood Institutional Review Board (HIRB) is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants recruited to partake in research activities through compliance with the federal regulations and institutional policies and procedures.

The members of the HIRB include Johns Hopkins University faculty with expertise in various academic disciplines and a member from the community that is unaffiliated with Johns Hopkins University. The primary concerns of at least one member are nonscientific. The diversity of HIRB members’ expertise and experience enables them to represent the academic disciplines in the divisions served by HIRB, community views and attitudes, and nonscientific perspectives when evaluating the acceptability of proposed research.

Committee members will have an understanding of basic ethical principles, the regulatory requirements, and the mechanics of serving on the IRB. Committee members will conduct prospective and continuing review of proposed research activities according to DHHS regulations 45 CFR 46 and federal, state, and local laws, and institutional policies and procedures.

All HIRB members must complete the online training program for IRB members available through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).

HIRB usually meets the third Friday of every month.

Homewood IRB Roster

  • Chair: Michael McCloskey, PhD, KSAS, Cognitive Science
  • Vice Chair: Juliet Ray, EdD, Education
  • David Fearon, PhD, Sheridan Libraries, Data Services
  • Jonathan Flombaum, PhD, KSAS, Psychological and Brain Sciences
  • Evgeny Kagan, PhD, Business
  • Renee Marlin-Bennett, PhD, KSAS, Political Science
  • Sandra Newman, PhD, BSPH/KSAS, Health Policy and Management
  • E. Juliana Paré-Blagoev, EdD, Education
  • Laura Flores Shaw, EdD, Education
  • Amy Shelton, PhD, Education
  • Rabbi Steven Schwartz, Community/Non-Scientific Representative

Alternate Members

  • Courtney Holzberger, MBS, MLS, CIP, IRB Analyst
  • Mounya Elhilali, PhD, WSE, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Laura Evans, MA, CIP, Executive Director, Homewood IRB and Conflict of Interest and Commitment
  • Mary Louse Healy, MS, KSAS, Research Administration
Documents & Resources for Members

Guidance on European Union GDPR

This document describes preparation for the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that standardizes data protection law across all 28 EU countries and imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing of personal information. The law is in effect as of May 25, 2018.

View the Document

Guidance on European Union GDPR: Questions and Answers

Please review this Q&A for practical guidance on compliance with GDPR.

View the Document

Guidance on Publicly Available Data

Under the Revised Common Rule, research that includes access and/or use of identifiable “Publicly Available” datasets or biospecimens may be exempt from IRB review. The purpose of this guidance is to help define what constitutes Publicly Available data or biospecimens to establish if a project may qualify for exempt determination under category 4(i).

View the Document

HIRB Member Resources

In addition to HIRB Standard Operating Policies & Procedures, other resources for HIRB members include:

The HIRB office also maintains a library of books and journals about human participant research and IRBs that is available for the use of all HIRB members.

Use of Student Education Records in Research (FERPA)

Review the IRB Guidance: Use of Student Education Records in Research to understand how FERPA and PPRA may apply to the review of school-based or educational research.

View the Document

Related Documents and Resources

Additional resources for members can be found on the Investigators and Participants pages.